“… In the world you will have tribulations; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world”
– John 16 v 33 (NKJV)
Praise be to our God Almighty who has safely ushered us into a new year and a new decade. It is only by His grace that we have entered this year and it is this same grace that will guide us all through the year. As the euphoria of the festive season gradually wears out and the reality of everyday life begins to assert itself upon us, I have some good, bad and ugly news to share with you.
First the bad news. Satan is still very much at work in 2020. Despite all the prophetic proclamations that were declared upon our lives as we crossed over into the New Year, the prince of this world is forever at work looking for any opportunity to devour anyone who has provided him the opportunity to do so. It is his nature to do this, for the thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy (John 10 v 10).
Then the ugly news. No matter how positive and optimistic we want to be about life, life will inevitably still come with its ever-oscillating ups and downs. In as much as we’d wish otherwise, sadly, no one is immune to the trials and tribulations that are bound to come our way. Temptations will come knocking on our doors, and even when it is defeated, it will constantly look for any opportune time to come back (Luke 4 v 13).
These truths have and will always be the reality of our lives. Our days are but few and full of troubles (Job 14 v1).
But there is another truth and here is the good news. Jesus Christ our Lord still sits on the throne and He has overcome it all. We have a High Priest who can sympathize not only with our weakness but, who when tempted, never sinned. Glory Hallelujah to the One on whose solid rock we stand and who has given us access to come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in our time of need (Hebrew 4 v 16). Oh, what an exceedingly marvellous joy it is to know that for as long as we abide and trust in Him, we too by His Spirit, can and will overcome whatever life brings our way this year.
Dear Brothers and Sisters, with the promises we have in our Lord Jesus Christ, let us purify ourselves daily from everything that defiles our body and spirit, working towards complete holiness. Let us not relent in our walk with the Lord, but as we have always obeyed, let us continue to work out our salvation in fear and trembling (Philippians 2 v 12). May the grace of our Lord Jesus, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all (2nd Corinthians 13 v 14). Amen.
God Bless You,
Pastor Tolu Ojo.